The Governors are responsible for the conduct of the school, and promote high standards of educational achievement. We do not manage the school on a day to day basis but we provide the framework in which the Headteacher and the staff operate. We act as a critical friend to the school and staff.
As the responsible body we are tasked with:
- Providing a strategic view
- Agreeing a policy framework
- Appointing the Headteacher
- Agreeing the school improvement strategy
- Setting statutory targets
- Agreeing budgets and staffing structures
- Monitoring and evaluating the work of the school
- Signing off the self evaluation process
- Responding to Ofsted reports
In order to do this, governors need to gain knowledge of how their school operates through training, by attending meetings, and school visits. You can view the Governors' record of attendance at meetings by clicking on the link to the right (Please note that attendance data is recorded against Full Governing Board and Committee meetings only as required by the DFE. Governors may attend school on other matters throughout the year).
The Governing Body is limited in number and is made up of Staff Governors and Parent Governors who are elected, Foundation Governors who are all appointed by the Diocese and Local Authority Governors who are appointed by the LA.
We are often looking for new Governors who have a keen interest in developing the school. If you have relevant professional experience or a desire to learn new skills in order to contribute fully to the work of the Governing Body we want to hear from you.
If you would like to contact the Governors please write to the Chair of Governors via the school or email
Election of Parent Governor:
We currently have two vacancies for the role of Parent Governor. You can read more about the role of Parent Governor here.
We have had more nominations for the role of Parent Governor than there are vacancies so a ballot is being held. Details of the election process have been sent to all parents and carers eligible to vote. You can find the online voting form here.
How to vote:
- Select your candidate on the online voting form.
- You may not vote more than once per candidate. You have ONE vote and you may vote for ONE candidate.
- Only parents of, or those with parental responsibility for, registered pupils at the school are eligible to vote.
- No parent/guardian is entitled to complete more than one online form (irrespective of the number of children at the school).
Please complete the online voting form by Tuesday 15th October at 12 noon.
The results of the ballot will be published on the School website on Tuesday 15th October once the count has taken place.
Foundation Governor Vacancies:
St Paul’s Catholic School, Leadenhall is seeking to recruit Foundation Governors to support the strategic direction of the School. We encourage individuals who are keen on supporting an excellent Catholic education to please get in touch. For further enquiries please contact Paul Herbert (Chair of Governors) or Rob Baxter (Vice-Chair of Governors).
Paul Herbert
Chair of Governors and Foundation Governor
Attendance - please refer to the Governors' Record of Attendance document linked on this page. For a biography click here. Committees: Resources and Personnel, Headteacher's Performance Management (Chair). Appointed 24/04/15. Term of Office ending 31/03/27.
Andrew Beckett
Staff Governor
Committees: Governor with responsibility for Communications. Appointed 01/11/22. Term of Office ending 31/10/26.
Fr Francis Higgins
Foundation Governor
Attendance - please refer to the Governors' Record of Attendance document linked on this page. Committees: Resources and Personnel, Admissions and Safeguarding.Governor with responsibility for RE. Appointed 31/01/23. Term of Office ending 01/02/27.
Rob Baxter
Vice Chair of Governors and Foundation Governor
Attendance - please refer to the Governors' Record of Attendance document linked on this page. For a biography click here. Committees: Resources and Personnel (Chair), Pay Review (Chair). Appointed 20/07/22. Term of Office ending 19/07/26.
Sylvester Mathias
Foundation Governor
Attendance - please refer to the Governors' Record of Attendance document linked on this page. For a biography click here. Committees: Resources and Personnel, Headteacher's Performance Management. Governor with responsibility for Health & Safety. Appointed 09/12/22. Term of Office ending 08/12/26.
Rolia Magume
Parent Governor
Appointed 21/09/20. Term of Office ending 20/09/24.
Ify Oduko
Parent Governor
Committees: Admissions and Safeguarding (Chair). Governor with responsibility for Development and Careers.
Appointed 21/09/20. Term of Office ending 20/09/24.
Hetsie Cronje
Parent Governor
Appointed 23/11/21. Term of Office ending 22/11/25.
Steve Augustyn
Foundation Governor
Committees: Curriculum and Teaching, Pay Review. Appointed 01/06/24. Term of Office ending 31/05/28.
Jane Kapaya
Foundation Governor
Committees: Curriculum and Teaching. Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding. Appointed 01/09/22. Term of Office ending 31/08/25.