"'The glory of God is each person fully alive.' The curriculum at St Paul's should encourage excellence and achievement by all pupils through the breadth of opportunity available, the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom and the motivation that comes from good relationships between staff and pupils."
(A Vision for St Paul's)
The Curriculum at St. Paul’s is a framework for setting out the aims of the programme of education, including the knowledge and understanding to be gained at each stage. We will translate that framework over time into a structure and narrative, within our school context. We are committed to evaluating what knowledge and understanding pupils have gained against both internal and external expectations.
At St. Paul’s we recognise that God has called us to respect the dignity of each unique individual. We believe that education is a truly holistic process concerned with the development of the whole child. We believe that every child is capable of academic excellence. We aim to provide a wide range of experiences so that each individual is able to flourish and achieve their full potential. We aim to set high standards and we will demand the very best from the children in our care.
The curriculum at St. Paul’s is designed to reflect the aims of the school’s mission statement. The curriculum provides a holistic education in which we enable children to develop their personal gifts and talents, their spiritual, social, moral and emotional understanding of the world, as well as their academic knowledge and skills. This is achieved by designing a broad and balanced curriculum which is responsive to, and supportive of their needs and aspirations, fosters intellectual curiosity and academic achievement, and motivates them to grow to their full potential.
To find out what will be visibly obvious in every lesson at St Paul's read about the cornerstones of pedagogy in practice here.
You can find out about the cornerstones of pastoral care at St Paul's here.
Details of how we fulfil the Religious Education requirements at St Paul's can be found here.
Curriculum Policy and Further Information
You can see our curriculum policy here. You can see our curriculum plan for 2024/25 here. The Sixth Form curriculum plan can be found here. You can see teaching time across the curriculum here. More information about the curriculum for individual subjects can be found here. To see a list of courses available at St Paul's click here.
The Learning Talents and Catholic Social Teaching/The Gifts We Grow
We build chances for pupils to achieve the highest academic standards, ensuring they are well known as individuals and their unique personality, talents and gifts are nurtured and developed to the full. We use the frameworks of 'The Learning Talents' and 'Catholic Social Teaching/The Gifts We Grow' to support us in this.
You will find the homework timetable for Years 7 - 11 here. There is some information on Study Skills for Success on this link. Homework is set on Classcharts.